Core Competence

Harim Group's food industry vision

Harim Group pursues ‘One Health’

'One Health' means healthy conditions not only of people but also of environment, animal, and society. Now Harim Group will make healthy food by moving the healthy nature intact to the food we eat. Harim Group uses healthy food from the nature, raise plants and livestock, makes healthy food in order to contribute to making earth ecosystem healthy so that customers, environment, and society stay healthy together.

Harim Group's food philosophy

All of the foods of Harim Group are from the nature, and freshness of the nature itself is considered the best value.

We started from protein food specialized company based on feed and livestock and enhanced through distribution of grains, the basic material of food, and we are expanding to comprehensive food areas which make and sell all of the foods that go on the table.

For One Health, we comprehensively manage all processes of food chain 'from nature to table.'